Grab them by the eyes unblocked grab them by the eyes
Grab them by the eyes unblocked grab them by the eyes

grab them by the eyes unblocked grab them by the eyes

Noticeably, there is a large nodachi-style weapon running through the neck of the beast. The Ape has large, sharp claws on its hands and feet.

grab them by the eyes unblocked grab them by the eyes

The Guardian Ape is an immortal being that guards the Lotus of the Palace. It has white fur with a red scar running vertical from the top of its head to its left cheek through its left eye. Decreasing their health will also make it so their Posture Gauge refills more slowly, assisting you in accomplishing this feat. Bosses like the Guardian Ape are special, dangerous Enemies that feature a special display on-screen when defeated, such as " Shinobi Execution" (or other message, in certain circumstances). You will need to perform multiple Deathblows on them in order to defeat them, and filling their Posture Gauge is one way to accomplish this, as well as depleting their health. Guardian Ape (獅子猿, Lion Monkey, Shishizaru ) is a required Boss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This Complete Guardian Ape Boss Guide gives you strategies on how to beat the Guardian Ape easily, as well as tips, tricks and lore notes.

Grab them by the eyes unblocked grab them by the eyes